David Schlinker, Senior Data Architect June 9, 2020 As the volume and complexity of data continue to rise dramatically, the need to organize and make sense of it becomes increasingly important. That is why many organizations have implemented or are considering a Metadata Management practice to optimize the value of their data. Metadata is data that provides information about other …
Introducing Data Governance
David Schlinker, Senior Data Architect May 4, 2019 In today’s world of “give it to me raw” Big Data, one might think that data governance is no longer worth the time, effort, or money. That is not the case. As volumes, types, and uses of data increase dramatically, the need for Data Management and Data Governance has become even more …
Finding a Sweet Spot Between Traditional Data Warehouse and Big Data
David Schlinker, Senior Data Warehouse & Analytics Architect October 28, 2018 The Big Data and Advanced Analytics market is growing rapidly with a forecasted 11.4% annual growth rate from 2018-2027, according to Wikibon. This growth rate with the current adoption rate is of approximately 50% is a good indication of an upward trend. So, the question is, “What are the …