Building an Enterprise Architecture: Principles

Intkhab Ali, Senior Solution Architect March 09, 2019 The Head of Architecture Meets Her Team Carmen looked around the table at the gathered architects. Some were domain architects, some solution, and the two to the right of her were the only Enterprise Architects. It was 11:00 AM and time to begin. The last person to walk in was Ezra, a …

Emerging Technologies for an Emerging Society

Intkhab Ali, Senior Solution Architect November 4, 2018 One of the constants in IT over the past several decades has been the constant need to factor in evolutionary or revolutionary technology changes, at least from an architect’s perspective.  Since the 70s, we’ve seen major game-changing shifts, some of which have affected our lives both at home and in the workplace: …

Searching for Data: The Ignorance Explosion

Intkhab Ali, Senior Solution Architect August 29, 2018 About 25 years ago (literally on the cusp of the popularity of the Web), my boss at the time ​did a symposium presentation on the “ignorance explosion”, which was a play on the phrase “information explosion”. He was not referring to people becoming stupider, but rather the increasing gap between information available …