IT Architects empowers its clients with a proven & collaborative approach
A Proven Approach
At IT Architects, we are dedicated in helping our clients gain a fuller understanding of their enterprise in order to evolve their business processes and supporting systems. We do this by developing an enterprise architectural framework that reflects the organization’s process, data, application, technology and organizational architectures. The framework empowers our clients to understand the overall enterprise and its interdependencies. Clients can now effectively evaluate new business opportunities, understand the impact of change before it happens, and examine the merits of various information technologies based on a common blueprint. The IT Architects advantage is a proven approach that has been realized and adopted by many companies striving to achieve an Enterprise Architecture.
We Collaborate
IT Architects works with our clients to understand their business and technology directions – including business goals, information needs, technical constraints, etc. We “collaborate” with the client to capture the required details about the current business model and future expectations. Our goal is to develop an inventory of the current state with all its relationships and gaps based on a systematic assessment before planning future outcomes. The IT Architects team works with appropriate client personnel to facilitate cross-organizational discussions about the enterprise through information gathering sessions. Each facilitated session also documents varying viewpoints – management, operational and technological – in reference to business and informational requirements.
Many attempts at system evolution, data migration, and enterprise integration fail because these initiatives concentrate on a narrow set of issues and requirements without considering the broader set of business and technical issues. Our team is cognizant of underlying factors while it works hard to collaborate with each stakeholder in order to understand their unique challenges, opportunities and needs. We then consolidate this input, analyze it and use it to explore the merits of alternative solution architectures.
We Deliver
IT Architects is proud of its record in delivering solutions that work. In addition to providing various architectural frameworks to guide the planning and deployment of IT solution initiatives, part of our planning process is to implement through a tactical communication and governance model. Putting the plan into action is a major step that takes a comprehensive understanding of a client’s enterprise before it is transformed into viable solutions that are both adaptive and realistic. We are strong promoters of “architecture readiness” before deploying the plan to deliver the goods. Only then can delivery become synonymous with success.
Leveraging Solution Delivery with Architecture
IT Architects is focused on building architectures to support the delivery of IT solutions aligned with business process requirements. Thus, building enterprise architectures must be developed in context of a corporate business model, as well as the IT solution initiatives that will be deployed over the course of a program plan. The IT Architects approach is to leverage solution delivery with architecture. This is achieved by relating architecture models and artifacts with project deliverables developed during the development lifecycle of an IT solution.
For example, architecture models developed to represent a specific business process will be direct inputs into the Business Requirements phase of a project. IT Architects also provides the delivery framework and templates to link architecture components to project deliverables. As a result, the architecture will support re-usability of architecture components while ensuring consistent architecturally-based deliverables between projects.
Incremental Solution Delivery
The delivery of a solution should be achieved incrementally by deploying what you need, when and where you need it. This will allow an organization to meet business objectives more readily in the implementation of the solution while reducing the risk of disrupting dependent business processes across functional boundaries and the systems that support them. Planning and deploying solutions in a logical and prioritized manner gains “quick(er) wins” in the eyes of the business while implementing the “big” solution one step at a time.
Focus on Standards
IT Architects is a proponent of delivery, industry and technology standards. Our goal is to align architecture and system integration solutions with industry standards pertaining to business process and data; and technology standards pertaining to common message formats, APIs, protocols, etc. Architecture and integration based on standards also provides IT managers with a larger talent pool of developer resources, and allows for repeatable success patterns that can be carried from project to project.
Partner with the “Right” People
As part of our delivery assignment, we work with and engage influencing parties – other organizational units, business partners, vendors, suppliers, etc. For example, the planning and deployment of a pervasive, event-driven SOA is based on the requirements of a client’s project team working together with vendors to build broad-scale integration networks using messaging, standard integration services, and standard interfaces.